Fall Landscape Lighting Tips for Residents in Atlanta, GA

As the days become shorter, there’s no need to pack up the barbeque and put away the outdoor furniture just yet. For Atlanta residents, there’s still reason to spend time outside in the evenings – but there may be some changes that need to be made to your outdoor lighting to match the change in season. 

Southern Landscape Lighting Systems services Atlanta, GA residents, installing high quality, long-lasting landscape lighting. Here they share their top tips for preparing your outdoor lighting for fall:


1. Check the Entertainment Areas

When it starts getting darker earlier it’s a good time to adjust outdoor lights to make sure that entertainment areas are well-lit. It probably won’t require the installation of additional lights, but just a general check that there is adequate soft lighting to ensure that guests are able to navigate the area safely. 


2. Create a Sense of Warmth

Adding warm lighting to outdoor areas can increase the feeling of warmth. A welcoming environment that makes use of warm, rather than cool, LED lights makes it more likely that you and your guests will want to spend time outdoors. 


3. Remove Fallen Leaves and Branches

As trees lose their leaves, and in some cases, small branches, this can impact an outdoor lighting installation by obscuring light fixtures and blocking lenses. To avoid this issue, regularly remove debris from around the outdoor light fixtures. 


4. Adjust Lighting If Necessary

The placement of up-lights in summer may perfectly highlight a beautiful tree or bush, but as the tree loses its leaves in fall, the lighting may contribute to a sense of starkness or loneliness. By lowering the angle of the light to accentuate the trunk rather than the bare branches, you can easily solve this issue.


5. Prepare for Halloween

If you don’t want to keep making changes to your outdoor lighting, now’s also a good time to ensure that pathway lights are adequate for guests such as trick or treaters to easily and safely navigate the pathway from the sidewalk to your front door. It’s a smart move if you want to enjoy the fun of Halloween but ensure that your lawns and flowerbeds are safe from unwanted foot traffic.  


6. Switch to an LED Landscape Lighting System

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to switch to LED lighting for your outdoor lights. Halogen lights use significantly more electricity and don’t offer all the benefits of an LED installation – such as longer bulb life and lower utility bills. 


7. Do Routine maintenance of Your Lighting Installation

Preparing your outdoor areas for fall includes some routine maintenance. Some tasks that you may want to add to your to-do list include cleaning light fixtures, removing debris that may be covering the lights, reburying wires that have become exposed and checking the system to ensure that it’s still in perfect working order. These steps are important as regular maintenance of your outdoor lighting installation will ensure that it continues to function optimally, and it can have a big impact on the lifespan of your outdoor lights. 


Southern Landscape Lighting Systems for Atlanta, GA residents offer a range of services from design and installation, to maintenance in order to help keep gardens in Atlanta looking their best. With thousands of satisfied clients, they pride themselves on their ability to expertly install custom outdoor lighting that accentuates a home’s natural features. The Southern Landscape Lighting Systems team uses only the highest quality products for their professional design and installation services, which they follow up with outstanding continued customer support. 

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