Southern Landscape Lighting Systems of Marietta designs, installs, and services residential and commercial outdoor lighting systems in the metro Atlanta area. The team of lighting professionals maintains and repairs LED low-voltage landscape lighting systems, as well as traditional halogen landscape lighting systems. They will gladly inspect and service systems they did not install.
Taking good care of a landscape lighting system during the fall and winter
From early spring to late fall, the landscape lighting system takes a beating on many fronts and from every direction.
The weather
Southern Landscape Lighting Systems of Marietta installs only the highest quality fixtures designed and manufactured to withstand the harshest punishment from the weather. The CNC-milled brass fixtures have special design features to disperse heat and keep the fixture cool during the hottest summer days. Heat is the enemy of the light-emitting diode. The high-quality fixtures keep out moisture during long periods of constant rain or intense, heavy downpours that may flood the yard and submerge the fixtures. Metro Atlanta is no stranger to hailstorms, but the fixtures withstand the pounding like tiny tanks. Snow, sleet, and ice are no match for the best-quality components used by the lighting professionals at Southern Landscape Lighting Systems. Other less expensive plastic fixtures simply do not hold up nearly as well. The DIY homeowner who installed lower quality products will suffer the headache of malfunctions, repairs, and replacements that are too frequent and almost always inconvenient.
The changing seasons
Turbulent thunderstorms cause limb loss. The falling limbs may not only cause personal injury, but they may also damage lighting fixtures. Leaves, mulch, and debris piled up against a traditional halogen fixture create a fire hazard that can be catastrophic. The homeowner should keep all debris, including leaves, away from lighting fixtures. Periodic leaf blowing or raking is sufficient to help the lighting system stay safe and functional.
The landscape crew
The landscape crew can step on fixtures, causing a misalignment or damaging the fixture. A landscape fixture is no match for a chainsaw, brush trimmer, tiller, or lawn mower. Also, digging holes to transplant shrubs, edging beds, and tilling the soil to mix in amendments can wreak havoc on a lighting system or an irrigation system.
Tree maintenance
Once the leaves have fallen, homeowners will often bring in a tree service to remove diseased or damaged limbs. A direct hit from falling limbs can crush a fixture or sever the underground wire, and the heavy equipment used by the tree service can damage underground wiring and crush fixtures.
Inspect the lighting system before and after having tree work done. A reputable tree service will take steps to identify and protect wiring, control panels, and light fixtures.
New onsite construction
New onsite construction can devastate an existing landscape lighting system. The drilling, boring, and digging can sever wiring in multiple places, and the heavy equipment can damage wiring and lighting fixtures. The homeowner is advised to inspect and video the system in operation before construction begins and after it is completed.
Pets and wild animals
During the fall and summer months, pets and wild animals can ransack a landscape lighting system. It is not unusual for the neighbor’s dog to make a game of pulling up fixtures, and fixtures have been known to become chew toys. Some of the nicest subdivisions in the metro Atlanta area have had to contend with wild hogs rooting in the backyard garden or planting beds.
The aging of the system
After several years, the age of the system may become a factor, evidenced by frequent malfunctions and glitches. Late fall, when the planting beds are clear, the trees are bare of leaves, and the temperatures are bearable, is an ideal time to inspect the system and make necessary repairs.
Steps to take before winter makes its entrance
Below are some steps to take before winter arrives on the scene.
- Inspect the system when the sun is shining in order to identify exposed wiring, damaged fixtures, debris piled up around the fixtures, or other concerns.
- Inspect the system when the lights are on to identify bulb outages, damaged fixtures, or beam misalignments.
- Clean all the lenses, whether they appear to need cleaning or not. Be very careful. Avoid getting shocked by damaged fixtures or exposed wiring. Do not handle fixtures or clean lenses when the weather is wet to avoid shock or electrocution.
- Call in the professionals from Southern Landscape Lighting Systems of Marietta to inspect the system, clean and adjust fixtures, and repair any electrical problems that might have arisen over the spring and summer months. The service experts are glad to inspect and repair systems they did not install.
To learn more about outdoor LED lighting, contact Southern Landscape Lighting Systems of Marietta by calling (678) 616-9166 or emailing [email protected].